TD Bank & Florian Solar Design Center are making great strides in the solar community launching America’s first carbon neutral bank chain. At a press conference held in Farmingdale, N.Y., on February.18, 2010, executives have announced that TD Bank is carbon neutral. They unveiled plans for the green design of new stores, which will include state-of-the-art technology to reduce energy consumption by 50%. To achieve this TD Bank teamed up with Florian to design a solar drive-thru canopy system: a translucent canopy sheltering drive-thru areas that produces electricity for the bank’s use.
TD Bank has built greener buildings with lower energy consumption and invested heavily in renewable energy. TD Bank has also pledged to develop LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified stores throughout the nation.
TD Bank came to Florian looking for a cost effective, attractive looking modern solar alternative. Florian designed multiple drive-thru solar systems to suite each banks individual size, style, and energy needs. All of these are designed to hold Sanyo’s unique bifacial HIT double photovotaic modules. This innovative product line is being added to TD Banks around the country and with numerous systems already completed. Florian is proud to help TD Bank become as green as it’s logo.

The project is an example of a custom designed Sunport series. This system was modified per the customers request. Painted green with a silver top and designed with a steel substructure so it would have minimal supports allowing for cars to drive-thru. We understood how important it was to make this system match the bank and it’s green logo. We have the ability to modify our structures to better suit each individual projects needs.
Featured in the above picture is TD Bank's new 3,800 sq ft first green LEED certified prototype store located at 214-32 Jamaica Avenues Queens Village, N.Y. This store features two Florian Solar carport systems. One over the entrance in a trellis design and the other over the three lane drive-thru housing 72 Sanyo HIT bifacial photovoltaic modules.