The Geneva horticulture greenhouse and green house kit are designed to provide a comfortable environment to pursue natures most enjoyable hobby. Many of our clients enjoy orchid growing in which the Geneva greenhouse and green house kit will provide the perfect environment for just about all plants in any part of the world. Our greenhouses and green house kits can be modified for your climate in a number of different way. We offer a wide variety of glass options, heating, cooling devices, ridge vent options and many more. You control the environment. Geneva greenhouses are available in a wide variety of sizes, in curved eave or straight eave configurations. All Geneva greenhouses and green house kits are constructed of maintenance free aluminum framing members. Florian's unique I-beam profile is designed for maximum strength to meet all building code specifications.
The Florian Advantage
- Heavy-duty 5-fin E.P.D.M rubber gasketing around each pane of glass. Outdated greenhouse designs still use messy rope putty.
- Only SAFETY glass is used Beware of dangerous annealed glass that is standard with some manufacturers.
- Available insulated glass is sealed against condensation and dirt. Some manufacturer’s double-glazed systems are not hermetically sealed.
- Available roof & side vents. A true horticultural greenhouse, not a modified sun room.
Beauty & strength set us apart from cheap & plastic “double thick glass” greenhouses.
*DO-IT-YOURSELF & SAVE! in a Pre-manufactured green house kit including detailed assembly instructions and a technical support number. Also available; a network of independently owned installation contractors in the continental USA and around the world for our international sales department email us
Geneva Greenhouse System Advantages:
- High-Performance Glazing - eliminates the need for a shading system, which must be replaced periodically (and is also not aesthetically pleasing).
Available with the world's highest performing insulating glass.
- Ridge-vent system is fully gasketed - No metal-to-metal contact for maximum efficiency and plant comfort.
- Each pane of glass is fully gasketed around the perimeter - No rope putty or lapped glass is used.
- I-beam heavy gauge aluminum frame with stainless-steel hardware.
- Framing members accept a "T" bolt & nut to hang accessories & plants from the rigid frame.
- Technical support number
- Fully modular and expandable
Our most popular accessories
Auto Vent System - Offered for either ridge or side-vent systems
Horizontal airflow fans - Reduces plant disease & helps maintain even room temperature
Auxiliary ventilation - Thermostatically controlled Exhaust fan with motorized intake louver
Evaporative Cooling Systems - Thermostatically controlled self-contained system features 2 speed motors
Plant Benches - Sturdy framing and attractive design
Watering - Mist-o-Matic systems sense the amount of watering that has been applied on your plants
Ask your salesmen about our full range of controllers, humidifiers, and shading systems for all your growing needs. Interested in orchid growing then read this to learn about florian's glazing system.